Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Aspidistra II

Aspidistra is now looking for submissions to issue 2!

Aspidistra is a magazine of three parts. We are looking to bring words and art of all mediums together to explore interesting nooks and crannies of a philosophical kind. Submissions for issue 2 should fall under the following themes,

1. Persons Unknown

-Collective identity


-Existing as an outsider

2. Reasonably absurd

-Why did the chicken cross the road?

-Reason vs Madness

3. Perversion in Utopia

-Debasement or subversion of ideals.

-Guns and babes of the future

Successful submissions will be included in the magazine and invited to exhibit at the magazine launch at the end of November. You will also get a free copy of the magazine for all your hard work!

Please send work to aspidistra-magazine@live.co.uk . Emails should be titled with the chapter you would like to submit to eg. Persons Unknown, Reasonably Absurd or Perversion in Utopia. Include your name and a brief sentence about yourself. Images should be sent as Jpegs and bare in mind that Aspidistra is printed in black and white. Stories or articles should be no more than 3000 words and poetry under 40 lines. Please make sure word documents are NOT docX files as we cannot read them. Final submission deadline is 10th November. We try to acknowledge all submissions within a week and the final content will be decided by the end of November.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Keep the Aspidistra flying!

Bella Dear.

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